
Thursday, November 04, 2004


While I was cooking last night a large blob of hot oil jumped from the pan onto my arm. It is now black and blistered and spiky painful, dammit. News of Tom's Eccle's cakes disaster makes me wonder whether British students head for foreign climbs somewhat ill equipped for providing for themselves. I never did Home Ec at school.

I finished reading "The Age of Consent" about a week ago. Simon, having only read the first fifty pages was right about it: Monbiot is a good critic but a rubbish visionary. The first half is entertaining polemic, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

I'd like to read everybody else's favourite book. So I have created a guestbook where people can post reading suggestions and comments about books they have read, or one's other people have mentioned. In return, I will read as many recommended books as I can get my hands on in this foreign place.


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